Collection: Protective Shirts

Say hello to your new best friend.

Our intelligent protective gear is the most powerful, flexible and lightweight solution on the planet. It dissipates energy upon impact to reduce force and enhance performance, so you can work or play harder, smarter and faster...

Running backs, Quarterbacks, NHL referees, Lacrosse lovers, power forwards, and keepers of the crease.


Soft at Rest, Hard on Impact.

Before the PolyShields take a hit, they’re soft and flexible; molded to the body for enhanced mobility and comfort. Then comes a tackle, fall or attack — and it’s go time! The molecules stiffen and dissipate up to 90% of energy upon impact, creating a durable solid that protects against intense pressure. It then returns to its original state and is ready for impact once again.

The padded performance shirts and shorts are designed to use alone, or to be used comfortably under standard pads, to offer an extra layer of protection during your work or play.

Whether you are a parent protecting your young athlete, a rec league hockey player, mountain biker, up and coming star, or elite athlete, there is a Zoombang solution.

Learn more about the science behind Zoombang protective gear. 

Zoombang Shorts and Girdles    Zoombang Football Gear   Zoombang Hockey

9 products
  • ZOOMBANG - AC shoulder shirt
    ZOOMBANG - AC shoulder shirt
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  • ZOOMBANG - Rib shirt
    ZOOMBANG - Rib shirt
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  • ZOOMBANG - Integrated Shirt
    ZOOMBANG - Integrated Shirt
    Regular price
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  • ZOOMBANG - Max rib protection shirt
    ZOOMBANG - Max rib protection shirt
    Regular price
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  • ZOOMBANG - Baseball Catcher/Goalie chest padded shirt - Adult
    ZOOMBANG - Baseball Catcher/Goalie chest padded shirt - Adult
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  • ZOOMBANG - 5 Polyshield Back/Shoulder/Deltoid Protective Shirt
    ZOOMBANG - 5 Polyshield Back/Shoulder/Deltoid Protective Shirt
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  • ZOOMBANG - 9 polyshield full coverage rec hockey shirt
    ZOOMBANG - 9 polyshield full coverage rec hockey shirt
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  • ZOOMBANG - Hockey Goalie protective shirt - ADULT
    ZOOMBANG - Hockey Goalie protective shirt - ADULT
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  • ZOOMBANG - Max coverage shirt
    ZOOMBANG - Max coverage shirt
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